Monday, May 12, 2008

Address and guilt

So, all my mail is being returned to my real address. So if anyone wants to send me something, please send it to this addy:

PO BOX 10764
Knoxville, TN 37939

Just remember, it's my parents PO Box so don't put something too terrible on the outside of the envelope.

So really, ya'll should send me a postcard or something. I'm lonely here.... Feel sorry for me and send me a goddamn letter!



Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Went to Ijams, a beautiful nature center a couple weeks ago. Here are a few pics of my hike:


Black Sheep and such

Life is starting to slow down I think. Just went to 2 days a week at Panera and am full time at Sunspot. I missed cooking, and am having so much fun learning new stuff. My chef is really encouraging me to go to culinary school, and I'm deciding between an intensive certification program at UT and a two year AS degree at Walter State Community College. If I don't fuck up royally, I will hopefully be attending school by spring 2009.

Had the first family meltdown last week. My sisters have decided that I am a menace to their children and their "family values" and that I am going to ruin them financially. Oh, and I am also ruining my parents life.

They came to this conclusion when I crashed my Dad's car last week. My first car accident of my life and it had to fucking be in my Dad's car right when I get here. Jesus Christ, timing is a bitch. My parents aren't mad at me, but it's just more proof to my sisters that I am forever the black sheep of the family.

They told me I was going to ruin their lives if I got hurt without insurance because they "obviously would have to pay for it all, and they would lose their house and their future." The family values is regarding the fact that I've made friends with gay people, and they don't want their kids hearing about that. Did I mention that they claim to not be homophobic? I bet they also claim not to be hypocrites. Nice.

My parents are being wonderful about it all, and totally back me up. So I see them everyday and since they watch my niece I get to see her without dealing with my sister. It's all working out. I'm not surprised about this, just sad and hurt. It sucks when your own sisters don't seem to like you very much.

Speaking of kids, just found out yesterday that sister #2 is having a little girl! Katie Ann should be arriving in June and Taylor Grace will be here mid October. I am so excited to have two new nieces on their way! Maddie, who is 4, gets more amazing every day. Today when I showed up she jumped in my lap and nuzzled her little face in my neck for so long, then looked up and whispered "I love you so much Auntie."

I'm really missing Sacramento, and everyone there. I got weepy this morning thinking of the co-op! I like it here, but there's something very special about Sac, and I'm realizing it more and more as time goes on. Anyone who is reading this that lives in Sacramento should take a moment today to remember how lucky they are to live in such a wonderful place.