Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sorry I've been slacking off on my blog duties. Working two full time jobs now, so I'm never around a computer. At least I'm cooking again! Working at a place called "Sunspot." It's casual dining with a focus on Vegetarian food. It's a great kitchen with rad people. I'll be going to 2 days a week at the hellhole I call "Panera Bread" next week. I've been hanging out with a wonderful group of girls. I affectionately call them "the Gays". I somehow managed to become friends with the entire gay community once I moved to the bible belt. Weird. But the girls are so sweet and fun, I'm really happy I met them. I'll put some pics up of us soon. It doesn't hurt that one of the girls has a hot straight ex-marine brother who comes and hangs out every so often. Tee hee... I'll write more soon. Miss ya'll!!
Here's a pic of Lauren and her girlfriend Bri. I work with Lauren at Panera, she's super wonderful:

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