Sunday, March 30, 2008

One is the loneliest number....

I'm lonely.... And randy.... Dammit.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Pere Ubu

I saw Pere Ubu last night. I went for two reasons. First, I had spent 6 years with a boyfriend who would get in a mood and blast the entire box set of Pere Ubu at full volume. I fucking hated it and finally banned it when I was around. Secondly, the boyfriend I speak of had incredible taste, and seemed to know about all the coolest stuff that few people knew about. So I figured that maybe, just maybe, I had decided that Pere Ubu sucked because I'm a chick and prone to hating something for no good reason. It was possible that I may enjoy the show, and if nothing else, I could brag to the 8 other people in the country who thought the band was cool that I had seen them live.

So I bought the ticket and showed up last night. The first band was a noise/experimental band. I didn't think they were very amazing, but I dug the 10 minute sax solo that ended with the guy crawling on his back across the floor in a 70's tux wailing away.

Just to clear it up, Pere Ubu is fucking weird. And weirder than the music is the frontman, David Thomas. He's the only original member, and after 10 minutes of him onstage I understood why. He is a total dick. During his set he stormed off 2 times screaming at his band and/or sound guy, and one time sauntered outside to smoke while his band did the "artsy intro" to a song. He should be on meds, at least onstage. At one point when the crowd was standing there in a quiet bar after he stormed off, a girl said meekly "Does anyone else feel really awkward and a little.... scared?" Yes, we did.

I remember seeing The Business at Bojangles, and I remember thinking that the singer was such a prick and so didn't give a fuck about the audience that he may start beating people with his mike stand. I felt a bit like that. He didn't beat anyone though, at least not last night.

In this case, after he calmed down, he actually started to seem to enjoy himself a teeny bit. Not that he smiled or looked at all happy, but he wasn't red faced with rage and rocking back and forth like an autistic child. And the show was amazing. Maybe the best live show I have ever seen. The energy coming from the performers and the complexity of the music was unlike anything I've ever heard. The music was so jumbled and random, but there was a clear musical core that ran through it all. Never once did I think that they were "jamming." It was perfectly constructed and executed. The drummer deserves his own fan club, I've never seen anyone as good as him. I don't have the words to explain how perfect he was.

After the show I ended up talking to David Thomas for a bit, and he wasn't at all the psychotic asshole I had seen earlier. He was soft spoken and funny and random, with a fair amount of pervy cad thrown in for good measure. We discussed shoes, and make wonderfully hasty judgement calls about the people milling around based on their shoes. (This is something you can get away with when you're chatting with the singer of an adored band, but I wouldn't recommend it otherwise.)

After declining an offer from the drummer to take off my shirt (who managed to suggest it and not seem creepy) and buying the obligatory tee shirt I wandered home. Ear's ringing and strange music filling my mind. And I was so grateful to the man who would blast Pere Ubu at 4am in my living room. Without him, I never would have had this wonderful experience.

If this was a PBS show, I would now ask my loyal 3 readers to think about how someone in their past has shown them something that has made their lives better, even if the person isn't around anymore. But of course, this isn't PBS, so I won't.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Power tools

Why has no one ever taught me how wonderful power tools are? I just lost my jig-saw virginity.(No, I didn't lose my virginity with a jig-saw, ouch!) It is about the coolest thing ever. That and a table saw and skill saw and I'm a happy girl. I've been helping my brother in law, Matt, make a big storage unit for Maddie's playroom and it's so much fun!

I started my day with an interview with the regional manager for Ruby Tuesday's. Ok fuckers, don't laugh... I went in yesterday to drop off an application to be a cook, cuz a shitty job is better than no job. The manager told me that I was not going to like being a cook there because it was super boring, but how did I feel about managing a restaurant? I said I feel just fine about managing a restaurant. (What I was really thinking of course was, "Lot's of money, benefits and I get to boss people around? Fuck ya!")

So I had my second interview today and if I pass the background check and all that I'll be hired to do a job I have no idea how to do. These people don't seem to mind though. And I don't mind that if I stick it out for a year I'll be making $8,000 less a year than my brother who has a BS and works his ass off in ICU saving people's lives. So, not exactly glamorous, but It'll do until I'm all settled here I think.

Even more exciting is that there is currently a hurricane warning in effect for Knoxville! And last night I saw red lightning and a bright green shooting star. Really, I'm not making that up. My friend said it was because of a cold and warm front getting all up in each other's business. Tonight I'm going to see "Cats" (the musical) with my Dad, sisters and niece. A good day, all in all.

Oh, and at Borders I met a girl who is getting full sleeves with Kurt Vonnegut quotes and such. Across her knuckles she has READ MORE. Under that is "ice 9". Bad ass. We had a whole conversation in Vonnegut language, I know now that she is part of my karass. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, for Christ's sake, go buy a few of his books and make yourself a better person.

Finally, I am going to hang out with a family of Southern Baptist's in Sevier County this weekend. We are going to see a race on a dirt track somewhere in the country. I've been kindly advised that the following should remain a private part of my life during my visit:

1. I don't believe in God
2. I am a raging alcoholic (even though I quit drinking)
3. I have numerous tattoo's
4. I have participated in war protests
5. I think George Bush in the anti-christ

So, that will be interesting. I'll let ya'll know how that comes out. Miss everyone, and I think you should all be emailing and texting me more!


Monday, March 17, 2008

Midgets + costumes = Good times

I love it here. I have a corner store (which is not normal) and the woman running it is a slightly elderly midget named Heidi who is dressed up like a leprechaun today. Really, I'm not lying. Her hands look like the hands of a small porcelain doll. I love watching her give me my change.

I've been in my new apartment 3 days, and I already feel at home. It is so similar to a Sacramento apartment I have to remind myself I'm in the south. My bathtub is old and big and deep. And anyone who has lived with me or spent the night with me in a hotel will understand how happy this makes me. I also have decided to allow myself to smoke in my bathroom, with the window open. So if you call me in the evening you'll probably catch me in the bath, smoking a cigarette and reading a book. Heaven.

Yesterday I had the most country day you could imagine. I went driving with a local Tennessee boy, and here is a brief breakdown of my day:
  • Drove to the top of a mountain in the smokies to climb an ancient fire tower and look over the whole freaking state. (There was graffiti all over the inside, and half the last names were "Parton"!.
  • Checking out wild turkey's and learning all about wildlife around Knox county.
  • Being taught how to skip rocks on a beautiful lake that was totally silent.
  • Going to Dolly Parton's childhood home(!!!!)
  • Driving through the country and deciding which 150+ year old farm houses and barns were our favorites and all sorts of other neat-o super rad things.
Needless to say, it was a great day.

All this happened with a guy who builds race cars (trained at NASCAR) who hunts, fishes, drives a truck and grew up on a tobacco farm. If it sounds like I'm in another culture, I totally am. But you know, I actually like it.

I'm making Guiness Beef stew with mashed potatoes for my family tonight, along with a blue cheese vinaigrette salad and for dessert, lemon curd with fresh strawberries. You should really try the recipe (see the link.) Ask Janet and Scott, it's fucking amazing.

That's it for now. I'm going to sit outside and watch the cardinals in the backyard next to a beautiful blooming dogwood tree. I miss all my wonderful friends in California and beyond.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Ya'll should be living here, I swear to God! Today was warm and sunny as I drove to the old part of Knoxville to check out The 2 Man Gentleman Band. They're fucking awesome! If you did what I said and streamed the show you would have heard me kazooing my happy ass off during the kazoo solo's. Good time had by all, as usual.

Then, I found a wonderful little store called Yee-Haw industries. They do vintage letter press stuff, and if you're really lucky you'll get a postcard from me on one of their pieces. If you're an art geek or have any concept of coolness you should check them out.

I'm surprised at how much cool stuff is happening here. To be honest, it rival's anything I've seen in Sacramento. The amount of art and music going on is amazing. Did I mention that Pere Ubu is playing here in a tiny club on Easter? Apparently one of the biggest promoters and booking companies in the country is based in Knoxville, which would explain why there's a show at least 4 nights a week I want to go to. I can't even imagine what's happening in Nashville!

The other thing I've noticed is that there is a real sense of community here, and people are proud of where they're from. I know it's a southern thing, but it is so refreshing to find a whole town of people who dig where they live and the history of their area. It feels like midtown, but it's the whole city. Rad.

Did I mention how crazy pregnant my oldest sister is? Check it out:That's all the news for today. Keep checking back for more strange and wonderful-ness that is southern life.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Radio waves

The best radio station in Knoxville is almost impossible to get on the radio here. But, it streams online perfectly, and I suggest everyone reading this check it out: WDVX. One of the best things is the "Blue Plate Special" which is an hour long live show at the station/visitors center on Gay St. downtown. It's Monday - Friday at 12pm. Listen Wed. to the The Two Man Gentleman Band, I'll be there in the audience with a kazoo for sure. (They played at Sophia's in Davis this summer, and I dug it the most.)

Day 1-2

Landed in Knoxville around 11pm on Wed. It's Saturday Night, and I'm already immersed in this strange, wonderful little town.

Friday: Drove by apartments my Mom thought I would like. Ended up signing a lease about an hour later! One bedroom, hardwood floors, full kitchen, sunny and wonderful for $445 a month. I can move in anytime in the next 30 days, so I'll have my place before the end of the month.

Today: Snow flurries all day, stupid cold! Dinner at Buddy's Bar-b-que. The best fucking restaurant I've found so far. Imagine a fast food place with pulled pork, hush puppies, baked beans and a side of dill pickles. Oh, and sweet tea. Thank you Jesus for southern food!

Then, music at the Laurel Theatre, put on the the Jubilee Community Arts. Look through their calender if you're planning a trip out here, it's amazing! It's a tiny church that's been turned into a theatre. Think the OG Grand Ole Opry in miniature, very miniature. This weekend is the festival and we saw:

Charlie Acuff -
Fiddle player extraordinaire. Keep an eye out for a picture I demanded my Mom take of the two of us. He invited me to his place in Maryville (pronounced Marvel) sometime. Maybe I'll find a man here after all!

He played a song called " 2pm" he learned from his Grandpa and "Red Wing" which was amazing.

Charlie and I!

Also, Roy Harper -
Sang and yodeled like nobody's business, played the harmonica, guitar and custom made kazoo. And he is 82. About his music he says: “County music gradually got citified, and I stayed the same.”

At the request of Charlie he played "She tickles me" which is wonderful if you haven't heard it, as well as "Down by the Railroad Track."

I left after a beautiful Ballad singer to head to the Old City to see more music. Old City is a tiny little section of town that makes me feel like I'm home. A Naked Lounge style coffee shop with great coffee, elitist employees, boys who look like girls, and girls who look like bad 80's rejects. A cereal bar (!!!) and lots of neat little shops, restaurants and bars. I was headed there to see Lucero, a band I truly love and was so excited to see.

They didn't disappoint, and I had a great time. It was a little lonely being there by myself, but that's what you do when the only people you know in town are your parents, a 4 year old and your two knocked up, yuppie sisters. It was full of hipster kids though, which I wasn't expecting. It's very funny to see boys in skinny jeans with super thick southern accents though. Tee hee...

Tomorrow it's to the sisters house for her birthday, and when she tells her 4 year old daughter that she's preggo, should be really fun. I'll keep you updated. Pictures will be coming soon, promise.

PS. It's 24 degrees right now, and I left my jacket on the plane. Nice.