Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Power tools

Why has no one ever taught me how wonderful power tools are? I just lost my jig-saw virginity.(No, I didn't lose my virginity with a jig-saw, ouch!) It is about the coolest thing ever. That and a table saw and skill saw and I'm a happy girl. I've been helping my brother in law, Matt, make a big storage unit for Maddie's playroom and it's so much fun!

I started my day with an interview with the regional manager for Ruby Tuesday's. Ok fuckers, don't laugh... I went in yesterday to drop off an application to be a cook, cuz a shitty job is better than no job. The manager told me that I was not going to like being a cook there because it was super boring, but how did I feel about managing a restaurant? I said I feel just fine about managing a restaurant. (What I was really thinking of course was, "Lot's of money, benefits and I get to boss people around? Fuck ya!")

So I had my second interview today and if I pass the background check and all that I'll be hired to do a job I have no idea how to do. These people don't seem to mind though. And I don't mind that if I stick it out for a year I'll be making $8,000 less a year than my brother who has a BS and works his ass off in ICU saving people's lives. So, not exactly glamorous, but It'll do until I'm all settled here I think.

Even more exciting is that there is currently a hurricane warning in effect for Knoxville! And last night I saw red lightning and a bright green shooting star. Really, I'm not making that up. My friend said it was because of a cold and warm front getting all up in each other's business. Tonight I'm going to see "Cats" (the musical) with my Dad, sisters and niece. A good day, all in all.

Oh, and at Borders I met a girl who is getting full sleeves with Kurt Vonnegut quotes and such. Across her knuckles she has READ MORE. Under that is "ice 9". Bad ass. We had a whole conversation in Vonnegut language, I know now that she is part of my karass. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, for Christ's sake, go buy a few of his books and make yourself a better person.

Finally, I am going to hang out with a family of Southern Baptist's in Sevier County this weekend. We are going to see a race on a dirt track somewhere in the country. I've been kindly advised that the following should remain a private part of my life during my visit:

1. I don't believe in God
2. I am a raging alcoholic (even though I quit drinking)
3. I have numerous tattoo's
4. I have participated in war protests
5. I think George Bush in the anti-christ

So, that will be interesting. I'll let ya'll know how that comes out. Miss everyone, and I think you should all be emailing and texting me more!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

power tools eh? yea, i know of a few other power tools you are a big fan of (wink wink, nudge nudge)

i love you gal!

i cant believe you moved to a red state!
