Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Ya'll should be living here, I swear to God! Today was warm and sunny as I drove to the old part of Knoxville to check out The 2 Man Gentleman Band. They're fucking awesome! If you did what I said and streamed the show you would have heard me kazooing my happy ass off during the kazoo solo's. Good time had by all, as usual.

Then, I found a wonderful little store called Yee-Haw industries. They do vintage letter press stuff, and if you're really lucky you'll get a postcard from me on one of their pieces. If you're an art geek or have any concept of coolness you should check them out.

I'm surprised at how much cool stuff is happening here. To be honest, it rival's anything I've seen in Sacramento. The amount of art and music going on is amazing. Did I mention that Pere Ubu is playing here in a tiny club on Easter? Apparently one of the biggest promoters and booking companies in the country is based in Knoxville, which would explain why there's a show at least 4 nights a week I want to go to. I can't even imagine what's happening in Nashville!

The other thing I've noticed is that there is a real sense of community here, and people are proud of where they're from. I know it's a southern thing, but it is so refreshing to find a whole town of people who dig where they live and the history of their area. It feels like midtown, but it's the whole city. Rad.

Did I mention how crazy pregnant my oldest sister is? Check it out:That's all the news for today. Keep checking back for more strange and wonderful-ness that is southern life.

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